Monday, August 13, 2007

Geek On!

In just two days, I will be shutting down my computer, setting my phone to voicemail, locking my office, and heading off to GenCon!

I can't believe it's already here! I've spent months looking forward to it, planning for the booth and the kendo demonstration and the roaming performances (OK, I'm still working on that last part). It's hard to believe that in less than a week, it will be over, again.

What with the official "busy season" at work having ended last week, and the flux of fall conferences all being off-site, I'm not quite sure what I'll have to look forward to, for the next few months!

My main goal in the exhibit hall (aside from selling my own stuff), is to locate and acquire a couple dozen factory seconds gaming dice. I have grand plans for a tassle belt strung with d10s and the like, to wear especially whenever I do that "White and Nerdy" number. (Though, that reminds me... i need to sew some bric-a-brac trim onto the sleeves of my Redshirt red shirt.)

The kendo demo is worrying me a wee bit, as well... as all of my helpers have cancelled. This leaves me with no one to spar with. ): Ah well. In times like this, I ask myself, WWASD? (What would a samurai do?) Well, I'm sure the samurai would track down the people who backed out on him and force them to commit seppuku, or something... but I'll settle for improvising - killing some time by dressing some random six-year-old up in my armor. That's always a crowd-pleaser, because a) the kid gets to feel important and stuff, and b) let's face it, I may be small, but even my armor looks ridiculously huge on a child.

Now... here's to hoping that I remember to pack everything!



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