Friday, February 02, 2007

Cold moon

I was laying on the sofa, this evening, keeping warm beneath a down throw and my laptop, when the rising full moon peeked through the vertical blinds on the back sliding door.

I ventured forth from the warmth of my little sofa-nest, and stood there, gazing through the (poorly insulated) glass.

It was amazing! It bathed everything in a blue light, and reflected off the dusting of snow to make even the frozen mud look beautiful.

After a minute or so, however, I realized that it was Very Cold by the back door, and the draft was making the stray hairs around my face move around, slightly. So, I shut the blinds as tightly as possible.

Driving home from my friend's house, later at night, the moon was almost directly overhead. I felt as though my entire car was glowing in the dark. As I pulled down the street to get to my neighborhood, I noticed that I could see the entire cross country field, a quarter mile away, bathed in the frosty light.

I wanted to stand outside and gaze at it, some more... but even this north coast girl knows when it's just too cold to do that for any length of time.

On a related note... I am puzzled at the fact that it is that the temperature outside is a steady 8F degrees, yet the ice cream that I made earlier, and set out on the balcony for several hours, is still the consistency of a melted milkshake?

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